Mexico has one. Germany just announced one. Sweden had one, but recently got rid of it. Over the past decade, feminist foreign policies have swept the globe, becoming a popular form of diplomacy, particularly among Minority World governments. But in an unequal world, can any foreign policy be truly feminist? Or is this yet another example of gender-washing?
On April 13, the Impact newsletter convened a live discussion on the pros and cons of feminist foreign policies with our panel of experts.

Kirthi Jayakumar is the founder and head of The Gender Security Project, a think tank that works at the intersection of gender, peace, security, feminist foreign policy. She is a feminist researcher and lawyer working in the areas of women, peace, transitional justice, and security.

Déborah Rouach is the co-founder and co-director at the Institute for Gender in Geopolitics, a think tank that places the concept of gender at the heart of the analysis of international relations. Her research laboratory advocates for greater visibility of gender in the field of international relations.

Megan Clement, editor of the Impact newsletter, moderated the panel.